Wednesday, October 14, 2009

College Application

I am a balla, a shot calla, and I make all the ladies holla! Cheetah's are like slugs to me. I am magnificent. I once fought a gorilla with one hand tied behind my back. I won. Not only am I in top phisycal condition, I am also a very good problem solver. I am clever. I like to ride my bicycle. I am famous in Indonesia. Last year I built a time machine. I used this time machine to go back in time and jam with Jerry Garcia. I even got to meet Janis Joplin. She thought I was rad. If you accept me into your fine learning establishment, it will be the best decision you have ever made in your entire life. Trust me I should know. I was raised by monks.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on these blogs. You have sufficient detail and they show evidence of proofreading. Ideas are good;mechanics are quite strong. Missing the cliche assignment.
