Monday, December 14, 2009

Things Change

Certain experiences mark the beginning of maturity. There will be lots of events that will happen in your life, and many of them will make you far more mature. Of course maturity comes with age , but there are some experiences along the way that help mature you aswell. There are good experiences and bad experiences. Bad experiences can be a pain in the ass but they also help mature you and sometimes show you what to do differently the next time.
Recently I have been falling behind on my english, and it kind of sucks. The other day I finally realized that I should buckle down and start actually doing work in the class. I feel that this event has made me more mature because i finally understand that i can't just slack off and get things handed to me. I have to work for it. It has also shown me that I need to find a better way to motivate myself to do things.
Another experience that has made me more mature is when I got my first guitar I really wanted to learn how to play. However when I first started taking lessons after the first couple weeks I wanted to give up. I wanted to learn it overnight. But like all things guitar takes lots of practice to gain skill. My parents convinced me to keep trying, and I am very glad that they did. I think sticking to guitar has made me more mature because it taught me to be a little more patient and stick things out.
These two experiences were important events in my life and have made me more mature. Im still immature in alot of ways I will admit. But I'm immature in a fun loving way. Everyone goes through different experiences that make their maturity. Everyone also has their own idea of maturity. What ever you believe is mature certain experiences in your life mark the beigining of maturity.

1 comment:

  1. Polish your mechanics. Keep your writing formal as opposed to diction like "sucks" and "pain in the ass".

    This would be more interesting by focusing on one event - getting your guitar. Then go into detail.
